Gearbox also says when it does come out on Steam, Borderlands 3 will support crossplay between the two PC platforms. You’ll be able to add friends who play on the other platform, as well as join co-op parties with other players from a mix of the two. In a few weeks’ time, you’ll also be able to mail weapons across platforms. That said, there’s no mention of crossplay with consoles. Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford said as much even since before Borderlands 3 was launched. The good news is there’s no word on the company cancelling plans to make it work. But on the flip side, it still looks like it will take a while before it actually happens. In the meantime, Gearbox has also announced that the next Borderlands 3 expansion will be available starting 27 March. It has an incredibly long name, and it’s called “Guns, Love, and Tentacles: The Marriage of Wainwright & Hammerlock”. If you’ve been waiting for Borderlands 3 to come to Steam, then your wish has finally come true. The game’s Steam page is already live, and you can add it to your wishlist first, while you wait for the arrival of 13 March. As for the DLCs, it will probably be added once the game is live. (Source: Steam)