Besides an overhaul of its layout, Epic Games will also add cloud saving and installation management to its digital store, as well as improve upon the sizes of its DLC and patches over the next three months. Four to six months out,  Epic Games will then add developer opt-in user reviews. Beyond that, the Epic Games Store will be adding achievements, multi-game sales, a loyalty program of sorts, and a social overhaul.

There are additional parameters that Epic Games wishes to integrate into its Store, and sooner rather than later. These include automated refunds, gifting, and support for more languages. Unsurprisingly the brand is also trying to  figure out ways to prevent review bombing, as well as add support for bundle price adjustment, mod support, and news feeds. All these are pretty important features that are currently still missing from the Epic Games Store. While it’s good to see that the parent company has a roadmap for their implementation, the absence of these features still contributes to Steam remaining as the preferred digital games storefront. (Source: Variety)