“As soon as we were made aware of the issue, we locked the compromised accounts and are working closely with our partners at Facebook to restore them,” the Twitter spokesperson said. Facebook also confirmed with Reuters separately that some of its official social media accounts were indeed hacked, but they’ve managed secure and restore access soon after. https://twitter.com/wongmjane/status/1225936325531955200?s=20 Engadget reports that the hacker group OurMine were responsible for the attacks on Facebook’s Twitter and Instagram accounts. The same group also took credit for hacking the NFL’s official Twitter account prior to the league’s Super Bowl championship event in January. The attacks only targeted Facebook Inc and its platform’s account on Twitter and Instagram, while their main websites and services are unaffected. The OurMine group claims that its attacks are designed to show a lack of security on certain platforms, and instructs victims to use its services to improve safeguards. (Source: Reuters / Engadget.)