The project has been kept hush-hush and neither Johnson nor Lucasfilm have even given the slightest hint as to what the story is going to be about. All we know is that it will not be centred around legacy Star Wars characters like the Skywalkers and the Solos. However, in an interview with Observer, Rian Johnson did provide some insight as to how he’s approaching these films. The critically acclaimed director mentioned that he’s trying to figure out what the “essence” of Star Wars means to him.  It’s difficult to say what exactly Rian Johnson means. The folks at Slashfilm seem to speculate that he will be drawing inspirations from the original trilogy. I think Johnson might be trying to further understand the intricate philosophies of Star Wars and apply it to his new films. I’m a huge fan of The Last Jedi and wholeheartedly disagree with those who claim that the film was very un-Star-Wars-like. While it goes in directions none of us expected it to, it still explores the philosophies of Star Wars perhaps better than any other film. I cannot wait for Rian Johnson’s new trilogy.