The first new feature, aptly named Deliver2Me, will enable Setel app users to buy selected items from Mesra outlets at participating Petronas stations. These items will then be delivered directly to their cars while it is being refueled. According to the company, this feature was introduced for customer convenience without having them to wander away from their vehicles. Additionally, payments for these purchases are, well, settled through the app’s e-wallet service.

Speaking of which, users who prefer to have their items bought in-store will also be able to utilise the Setel Wallet for cashless payments. On top of that, Petronas customers will be able to earn Mesra points as well as perform points redemption via this approach as well. This also applies to transactions via the Deliver2Me feature.

Setel says that Deliver2Me is now supported at six participating Petronas stations in the Klang Valley. It will then progressively roll out to other branches nationwide starting in the first quarter of 2021. Meanwhile, the cashless payment service is readily available at 800 participating Mesra outlets at Petronas stations across Malaysia. (Source: Setel official website [1] [2])

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