Apart from a very vague screenshot shared by the tipster, not much is known regarding Articles. Judging by its name, it is believed that users would be able to post tweets that would exceed Twitter’s 280-character limit. This is particularly useful for posting up announcements, blog-like posts or expansive comments, which can easily be shared by others on the platform. Interestingly, Twitter did not deny or confirm Article’s development when inquired by CNET. “We’re always looking into new ways to help people start and engage in conversations on Twitter,” a company spokesperson told the publication. “We’ll share more about our work here soon.”

Possibility a new longform format on Twitter pic.twitter.com/Srk3E6R5sz — Jane Manchun Wong (@wongmjane) February 2, 2022 It is not known when exactly the new feature will be launched, and there’s also speculation that it may be exclusive to Twitter Blue subscribers. Regardless, we’ll only find out more about Articles when the platform is ready to officially announce it down the line. (Source: Jane Manchun Wong / CNET)